Regenerative Alchemy

Somatic Coach Training 

A somatic nature-led personal embodiment journey and professional training.

If you want to go on your own magical nature-led embodiment journey and facilitate the deepest kind of client transformation, you're in the right place.

Somatic and trauma-informed are buzzwords online.

And with good reason. In my experience (and I've been around the block - 8 years to be exact), being able to work somatically paves the way for profound transformation.

This way of working goes deeper than mindset work can, helping clients metabolise undigested life experiences that have been keeping them stuck in a loop.

When facilitated with skill and nuance, body-led and nature-inspired approaches to transformation are perhaps some of the most effective (and magical) approaches out there.

Yet not all somatic approaches are built alike.

Dishing out one-size-fitsall bio-hacks, yoga practices and breathwork techniques, or constantly digging for someone's trauma, can be ineffective at best, and make things worse at worst.

In order to be effective facilitators, we need to take an approach that meet people´s bodies where they are at, gently help them shift out of outdated nervous system patterns and bring them into new expansive ways of being in the world. 

When we work in this way, we´re far better equipped to help others find deeper healing, growth, purpose and resilience.

If you know you're here to help people transform their lives on a deep and profound level (and you want to build a stellar reputation in your field), this is where the Regenerative Alchemy Somatic Coach Training comes in.

This is a somatic nature-led professional training and embodiment programme that helps you deepen in your capacity to facilitate safe, simple & wildly effective personal and collective transformation in these globally challenging times.

This training is for you if:

  • You are completely new to coaching and want a robust skillset for facilitating incredible transformation (so you can build out your coaching practice).
  • You're trained in mindset coaching, are a licensed therapist or psychologist or are in a leadership role, and you want to bring nervous system-led praxis into your work.
  • You've trained in nervous-system work before, but it felt too clinical. Something felt missing and you want to experience more magic, mystery and spirituality in your client work.
  • You want to deepen in the subtleties of your work and even though you’ve done lots of training, you can’t deny that you feel drawn to this one, especially the nature-led aspect.

Learn how to help clients shift out-dated nervous system patterns (with Nature's help) - and turn their pain and challenge into healing, growth, purpose and resilience.

This professional training will teach you body-led (nature-inspired) principles, frameworks and praxis to help your clients experience profound transformation.

You'll learn how to work with a client’s natural somatic intelligence, so that you:

  • Are not only be ´trauma-informed´ but body and nature literate.

  • Can facilitate - holy shit, what is this magic - sorcery.

  • Feel proud as you watch your clients radically transform (and probably gush about you to everyone who will listen).

Come play at the intersection of nature, magic and mystery.

The dominator culture has cut us off from our birthright - the reparative wisdom of nature and the animal body. 

By relearning how to somatically attune and follow the natural instincts and impulses of the body, we both reclaim our ancestral heritage and deepen our ability to help our clients experience deep, long-lasting and meaningful change, from the inside out.

The Regenerative Alchemy Somatic Coach Training is my personal contribution to a world in desperate need of repair; a labour of devotion and an approach that has emerged from my experience of now having worked with hundreds of people over thousands of hours.

Regenerative Alchemy is a somatic nature-led approach that will deepen your ability to facilitate profound transformation.

"The Regeneratice Alchemy training has been a game changing experience. Not only have I developed more self-trust but I am also more in love with life and coaching than ever before. Sarah is such a wonderful facilitator and this training is unlike others. I am now spending more time in the body, with very positive feedback from clients."
Nina Pattani

If you want to deepen your capacity to guide clients into safer, simple & deeply effective transformation (with the help of Mother Nature), joining the Regenerative Alchemy Somatic Coach Training is the right step for you.

This professional live training weaves together the following strands:

Background & Theory 

Skills & Application


Background & Theory

Become well-versed in esoteric philosophy and the latest scientific research.

We cover

  • Nature & The Nervous System (Levels 1 & 2)
  • Resilience-Informed Frameworks of Practice (Levels 1 & 2)

  • Systemic & Cultural Contexts of Pain,  Challenge & Suffering (Levels 1 & 2)

  • The Regenerative Alchemy Blueprints of Health (Level 2)

  • Plant Allies for the Nervous System (Level 2)

Skills and Application

Theory is great, but you gotta learn how to apply it in real life situations with clients. No more second guessing yourself in sessions. You´ll be supported in learning somatic skills and how to use them, so that you can feel more confident and ready for whatever comes up in your client sessions. 

You´ll learn nervous system resolution & embodiment tools such as:

  • Composting Somatic Residue (Levels 1 & 2)

  • Felt-Sense Biological Attunement (Levels 1 & 2)

  • Medicinal Movement  (Levels 1 & 2)

  • Ancestral Medicine (Levels 1 & 2)

  • Past Life Imprints (Level 2)
  • Kinship and Connection to the Animist World (Levels 1 & 2)
  • Attuning to the Relational Field (Levels 1 & 2)
  • Elemental Alchemy (Level 2)
  • Invoking Archetypal Transformation (Level 2)
  • Riding Nature´s Healing Rhythms (Levels 1 & 2)

You will also learn:

  • The Anatomy of a Powerful Session (Levels 1 & 2)

  • How to Design a Transformative Programme (Level 2)

You'll also learn how to market & sell your services, including:

  • How to Market Somatic Work (Learn exactly how to fill your schedule with well paying clients) (Levels 1 & 2)

Practitioner Embodiment

It's not just what we do with our clients that facilitates deep change, it's how stable we are in our own systems.

This is why your own embodiment is key, which is why this training is highly experiential, encouraging you to tap into your unique inner witchy priestess medicine. You'll emerge the other side of this training transformed as a facilitator. 

Because great facilitation isn't about what you do. It's about who you're being when you do it.

"Sarah imparts her knowledge and experience with a passion for what this work can do, which in turn has created a passion in me to bring it to as many people as possible. I’ve already noticed a shift in the healing sessions I have with people, the depths we are able to reach and the effect it has on them afterwards. Regenerative Alchemy is wonderfully simple to work with and profound in its results."
Awen Clement

Praise for Sarah and the Regenerative Alchemy approach:


"Sarah has an amazing ability to guide using intuition and wisdom, and trusts in your own wisdom for your own path; which makes for some powerful expansion and growth!  It has been an experience that has a hard-to-put-my-finger-on quality to it, because really, this experience has been pure magic!" Bekah, UK

"Sarah is a true embodiment of feminine leadership and working one-on-one with her has been profoundly transformative." Laura, UK

"Sarah holds incredibly safe and comfortable space and has a genuine way about her that allowed me to open up and get honest with myself. The embodiment practices have been game changing for me. They really are magical. I'm so grateful." Nina, UK

The Regenerative Alchemy Somatic Coach Training is for you if:

If you know you're here to contribute to the liberation of people and the regeneration of our planet and are committed to ongoing professional development to help you do just that.
If you want to be more than ´trauma-informed´- you want to bridge the gaps you have, and be more skilled in your ability to help your clients navigate, resolve, repair and renegotiate trauma in their body. 
If you want to play at the intersection between nature, magic and mystery.
If you cherish slow living, regeneration and authenticity, and want to deeper embody these principles in your life and work.
If you want to cultivate a deeper connection to nature and share this medicine with your clients in profound ways.

Praise for Sarah and the Regenerative Alchemy approach:


 "You're a great coach. It's been a privilege to work with you." Tonya, USA

"I can't believe how much I've grown and how much more confident I feel. Thanks Sarah." Terri, Australia.

"Containers with you are always so potent. I know I'll always keep coming back." Marissa, USA

"Our sessions have been profound. So much of what has changed this year and how I now handle hard things is down to the nervous system work we've done together." Awen, UK

Level One - Foundations (4 months):

Next Round in 2025

Level One at a glance:

  • Weekly 2-hour+ live trainings, demonstrations, Q&As, case studies, and peer exchanges (40+ hours in total). All course material is delivered between 30th September and 18th December 2024. 
  • Bonus integration sessions. These will be held in January and February 2025 to help you embody and integrate the material deeper.
  • Dates & Times: Sessions are usually hosted on Mondays and Tuesdays at 6pm (London time). The replays will be available to those who can't attend live. 
  • You'll also have access to a private space to ask questions and gain feedback.


Level Two - Advanced (4 months):

Next Round TBC

(Only those who have completed Level One are eligible to apply for Level Two) 

Level Two at a glance:

  • Weekly 2-hour+ live trainings, demonstrations, Q&As, case studies, and peer exchanges (40+ hours in total).
  • Bonus integration sessions.
  • Option to be certified.
  • Dates & Times: Usually hosted on Wednesdays at 6pm (London time). The replays will be available to those who can't attend live.
  • You'll also have access to a private space to ask questions and gain feedback.

Praise for Sarah and the Regenerative Alchemy approach:


"I decided to work with Sarah for the second time in three years. Sarah holds space like no other - she makes you feel seen and heard. It was a wildly expansive experience." Leneth, Netherlands

"I really can't thank you enough. Working with you has changed my life and given me wings." Claudia, Portugal

"You're honestly the best coach I've ever worked with and you've inspired how I now hold space for my own clients. I'm so grateful that our paths crossed." Melissa, USA


"This whole experience has become a giant permission slip for me to be even more myself, in my life and in my work. Going away from dogma, expanding into my embodiment. I notice a boost in self-confidence in how I carry myself through life and how I am present with my clients. So for me, the Regenerative Alchemy Training was way more than "just another professional training." Yes, there was a lot of information to feed the analytical mind and it's a vibe. So instead of just learning stuff about somatics, you uplevel to the next evolution of your human experience. I also love how Sarah conveys intricate concepts in a way that just makes sense and you can immediately feel it in your tissue and bones."
Katja Markelova

Hey! I'm Dr. Sarah Coxon. 

I'm an archaeologist turned author, seasoned yoga teacher, nervous system-trained somatic practitioner, somatic coach and creator of The Regenerative Alchemy Somatic Coach Traininga paradigm shifting  somatic nature-led professional training.

Back in 2015, I left the stuffy constraints of academia to go on a quest to do something that felt more like me.

What started out as teaching yoga and meditation full time morphed into professional somatic therapy and coaching. I've now been training in and facilitating deep inner alchemy for nearly 8 years, and have over 5750+ hours coaching experience, having worked with hundreds of people. 

Regenerative Alchemy is an approach influenced the following teachers: Steve Harrison, Staci Haines, Looby MacNamara, Rosemary Gladstar, Joanna Macy, Kimberly Ann Johnson, Rachael Maddox and countless others.

You may also like to know that in addition to thousands of hours of space-holding experience, I´m also trained and certified in Permaculture (Regenerative) DesignSomatic Trauma Therapy and am in ongoing mentorship and continuing education.

Please note, I'm not a licensed therapist (for many reasons, most of them typically aquarian haha), but I have worked diligently to become the experienced practitioner that I am today. I use and teach simple, profound and effective somatic nature-led approaches that work.


Enrolment for both Levels 1 & 2 is currently closed 

Pop your details below to be added to the waitlist and notified as soon as enrolment opens. 

Your Questions Answered

When does the next cohort start? The next Level One is to be determiend. Level Two starts in September 2025.

Do I have to do both levels one and two? No, you can choose to join just Level One or you can decide to join both levels. To participate in Level Two, you have to have already completed Level One or have done a previous version of Regenerative Alchemy.

When are the live trainings? Mondays or Tuesdays at 6pm London time. Replays are made available straight after.

How much of my time does the course require? Around 10-15 hours a month. 

I'm brand new to coaching - is this for me? Yes! This is a complete training that will help you build your skills  and give you a complete somatic framework for working with clients effectively. The Regenerative Alchemy Somatic Coach Training is a  complete framework, which doesn't just teach you the theory, but also teaches you how to work with clients somatically, from beginning to end. 

Is it just for coaches? Nope. If you feel a pull, trust that the training is for you, no matter what you're up to in life.

I already work with the nervous system, is this training for me? Yes! This will help you fill in many of the gaps that you have and give you fresh perspectives, based on nature-based wisdom. We have students that go through this training more than once because they recognise that every time they go through it, they deepen.

How many people will I be training with? For each cohort so far there's been an average of about 12 to 20 students

I'm not technically a coach, but I work with people. Is this for me? Although the course is geared towards professional coaches and therapists, the frameworks are applicable for all lines of work - anywhere you work with people or are in a role of leadership. 

How is the Regenerative Alchemy Somatic Coach Training different from other somatic trainings? Although there is some overlap with approaches such as Somatic Experiencing and IFS, Regenerative Alchemy takes an animist lens, meaning that the training encourages you to cultivate what I like to call ´witchy medicine´ and work not just with the physical body, but with spirits, celestial beings, ancestors, archetypal energies and plant allies. 

Do I have to show up live to the trainings? It's encouraged that you do, but sometimes life happens or you're in a timezone that doesn't work, so there will be replays made available for you.

Will I be qualified to ´treat trauma´ afterwards? Regeneration (healing) is the meeting of old stuff with new conditions. The Regenerative Alchemy Somatic Coach Training teaches you how to do this with clients who have default nervous system patterns and adaptive behavioural strategies arising from unprocessed residue in their bodies, also commonly called ´little t´ trauma. Things like complex trauma and PTSD are however technically beyond the scope of practice of the training, although this approach does work for people with PTSD.

English isn't my first language. Will I manage? If you can understand this website page, you'll be fine. Plus during live trainings you'll be given written field notes, and written transcripts of all trainings.

What's your refund policy? You are entitled to a partial refund (50% of the total fee) within the first 15 days of the training start date if you get into the training and decide it's not for you. After this time period, there are no refunds but if life happens (because sometimes it does) you can choose to defer and join a later cohort, should you wish. If you have any questions about the training before applying, email: [email protected]om.