Work with Sarah 1:1

Body-led business mentoring and somatic coaching for practitioners here to make big impact without the self-sacrifice

yes please!

80% of practitioners feel like they´re on a hamster wheel.

If you´re here, I´m guessing you´re one of them.

You´re established in business. And yet... you know the way you´re running it isn´t sustainable in the long run. 

You're feeling exhausted by the internalised pressure to keep on going and keep everyone happy.

Sometimes you fantasise about burning it all to the ground, but that´s not what you really want - you actually want to find a way to do business and life in a way that feels more joyful and sustainable.

I´m here to help.

Imagine running a business:

  • Where you experience more joy, spaciousness and ease. Frantic sprints and obsessive work habits are a thing of the past. Ease and flow are the way of the day.
  • Where you have new inspiration and excitement for what you're here to bring to the world. 
  • Where you can grow your profits if you choose, and it feels manageable, exciting and aligned.

"I found myself lost in the voices of the outside world. I allowed them to rock me of center, doubt myself and wonder what I was SUPPOSED be doing, rather than listening to the sound of my SOUL. Sarah will enable you to powerfully tune in to….YOU. She will guide you out of your head, into your heart - into the space of what you’re meant to create. The thing that will set your soul on fire. And she will show you exactly how to bring it into the world, with ease & flow. Investing in mentorship with Sarah was the best business decision I've made by FAR."

Marijke de Jong, Life Coach, Healer & Founder of The Awakened Woman

Testimonial Transparency: Marijke was able to experience these kinds of results because she was curious and deeply committed to the process, no matter what came up. We built a beautiful client / facilitator relationship over time.

If you want a spacious, profitable business that makes you feel alive, I´m here to help you create it

There's stuff inside of you - the tender, sticky, unwitnessed, undigested, shameful stuff - that your entire business is currently build on. And, let me tell you from experience, if you don´t work through this, you´ll either stay on the business hamster wheel or you´ll fall right off by burning yourself out.

This is where my body-based somatic work will work miracles for you. It´ll remove what´s holding you back from ease, profit and alignment, and grow your capacity to thrive in life and business.

By working with me, you´ll shift out-dated nervous system patterns so that you can:

  • Feel safer to run your business in a way that gives you more time and freedom.
  • Create the profit you desire *ker-ching* in less time
  • Feel waaaaay more creatively fulfilled, satisfied and alive.

This is the year everything changes.

pop yourself on the waitlist

The work we´ll do together will be extremely personalised and deeply tailored.

You´ll even get your own personalised written programme outlining:

  • Exactly what you want to experience and feel in life and business.
  • The specific nervous system states and business scaffolding we´ll build together to get you there.
  • My insights, suggestions and practices based on nearly a decade of experience -- but specifically tailored to your unique desires.

"Sarah has an amazing ability to guide using intuition and wisdom, and trusts in your own wisdom for your own path; which makes for some powerful expansion and growth!  It has been an experience that has a hard-to-put-my-finger-on quality to it, because really, this experience has been pure magic!"

Dr. Bekah Shallcross, Clinical Therapist and Founder of The Feminist Therapist Centre

Testimonial Transparency: Bekah came ready and open to dive deep into this work. She showed up whole-heartedly to each session. 

When I first started out in business nearly a decade ago, I found myself wanting to make good money, and fell into the trap of hustling hard for it.

I couldn´t sustain it and almost threw in the towel. Somatic nature-led work has saved me.

I had to shift the default patterns my business had been built on (including striving and people-pleasing) and become a different, truer version of myself.

I also had to identify and own my desires, gifts and values and build my business around those very things.

To be fair, it´s on-going work, but I now run a very profitable business in very part time hours.

Today, I make the equivalent of a lawyers salary in very part time hours.

And the rest of the time?

I´m out there living my life - growing my medicinal herbs and veggies, hiking with my husband & dog, brunching with friends and travelling whenever I want.

"Your business should fit around you life, not the other way around."

Here's what's on the other side of working together:

  • More clients, profit, connection, ease, aliveness.
  • Feeling way more at ease with yourself, and being able to switch off from your business when you need downtime because cash is flowing, clients are happy and you´re feeling good. 
  • Your inspiration is back and you know exactly who you are, what you're about and where you're going.

  • You've unleashed your creativity, deepened your medicineand are giving birth to your deepest & most exciting work yet. And you know it's in alignment, because you've got people already ready to buy from you.

  • You've refined your marketing message, positioning and strategy so that you can do less and make more.
  • You've cleaned up your relationship with money so that it feels healthier, lighter and more expansive. 

"Sarah is a true embodiment of feminine leadership and working one-on-one with her has been profoundly transformative. I was very stuck in debilitating fear and trauma patterns when we first met and I knew I needed to dig deep and start investing in myself. Sarah’s words and divine energy resonated so deeply, I just couldn’t ignore my body’s “YES" to this work and the shifts were instantaneous! The sacred container Sarah created served as a powerful mirror which allowed all parts of me to be seen and heard with so much love and compassion. She took me on a deep inward journey to my inner-Priestess, consistently reflecting truth back to me so that I could begin to disentangle myself from my conditioning and unapologetically step into my power and purpose. It felt like pure alchemy and a long-overdue reclamation of self. My body, mind, heart and soul now feel so much more aligned and alive and I’m open to receiving abundance with ease and flow. Long gone are the days of pushing and forcing!"

Dr. Laura de Pian, Embodiment Facilitator & Founder of The Feminine Revival

Testimonial Transparency: Laura was a joy to work with. Open, curious and ready for change.

Here's how it works:

You'll work with me for initially for 3 months (although we can of course extend should you wish support for longer).

At the beginning of our time together, we dive deep to co-create and map out our journey together, pinpointing key topics / challenges needing some tender care.

I´ll then go away and create a specific and tailored written programme just for you.

We´ll then meet every 2 weeks to dive in deep and move you towards a more expansive way of experiencing life and business.


Together we'll focus on things such as:

  • Recognising the nervous system patterns you´ve built your business on, and somatically shifting them to bring you more ease and profit.
  • Getting clarity on and owning your medicine.
  • Cleaning up your relationship with money and expanding your capacity to receive, hold & direct it without letting it define your worth *yum*
  • Soothing the parts of you that are constantly striving so that you can feel calmer and more at ease
  • Bringing more spaciousness, fun and magic into your life
  • Healing your relationship with responsibility so that you can play a bigger game without so much stress
  • Regenerative (& restorative) business model design that increases your capacity to earn in a way that feels featherlight 
  • Deepening your spiritual connection so that you feel more connected to something bigger

Let's make your life and business more spacious and joyful.

yes, I'm in!

To be notified when my next mentoring spot opens, pop in your details below and register your interest I´ll email you as soon as the next spot opens. 

About Sarah

Back in 2015, I left the stuffy constraints of academia to go on a quest to do something that felt more like me.

What started out as teaching yoga and meditation full time morphed into professional space-holding. I've now been facilitating deep inner alchemy for nearly a decade.

I am trained in helping my clients create deeper, more sustainable and long-lasting transformation, at the level of the nervous system. 

I also take a regenerative approach, meaning that I help my clients look for solutions that mimic the natural laws of Nature (because Nature is magic).

My work is heavily influenced by the following teachers (and countless others): 

  • Rachael Maddox.
  • Steven Hoskinson.
  • Kimberly Ann Johnson. 
  • Steve Harrison.
  • Natalie Brite.
  • Looby MacNamara.


  • 6000+ hours of yoga / somatic guiding / life and business coaching experience (over nearly a decade)

Innate Superpowers (that can't be certified or quantified):

  • Instinctive recognition of patterns and wider implications
  • Witchy / priestess felt-sense impulses, intuitive hits and downloads from my guides
  • Deep ancestral wisdom that I'm in the process of reclaiming
  • Gifted at messaging and business strategy - I'm able to get to heart of how to speak about your work in a compelling way. I'm also good at helping people find the right business model for them.

Other Trainings:

  • Permaculture Design Certification (Terra Alta, Portugal)
  • PhD in Humanities (Research Topics: Creativity & Cognition. Embodied Knowledge. Gender Archaeology. Identity. Prehistoric Europe.)