Permission to stop ´healing´.

As a seasoned coach, worked with hundreds of clients who´re on their ´healing journey´.

But here's my dirty little secret. I’m not so keen on the word ´healing´.

This is mainly because ´healing´ implies that there’s something wrong with you. And in the personal development space, people view ´healing´ as their full time job. They’re constantly engaging with the latest modalities, be it breath work, ayahuasa, yoga, ice baths, meditation, affirmations and so on, all in a continuous attempts to ´heal´ themselves. 

But the way I see it is that this is perfectionism in disguise.

Because first of all, you were never broken to begin with. And second, you're never going to get ´there´ (the point at which you are the most perfect pure version of yourself) anyway. 

Instead of ´healing´, when working with my clients, I prefer to use the word ´growing´.

Growing doesn't imply there's something that needs to be fixed, purified or gotten rid of. Growing is the process of developing into our most expansive version of ourselves.

It's loving yourself no matter what. 

It’s knowing that every single part of you, even the ones you´t don’t like, deserve love. 

It’s having compassion towards yourself when you mess up, or have strong emotional reactions, or aren’t all ´light and love´ all the time. 

It's knowing that feeling angry, scared, down, anxious, jealous, avoidant or unmotivated are simply part of the human experience, and there's nothing wrong with you if you experience them.

Remember. When you get to a place where you accept yourself as you are right now in this moment and are still willing to develop, that's when you know you are walking an incredible path of transformation. 

Love Sarah x

PS. Are you looking for support to access your body's wisdom, metabolise what's ready to be let go of, come into contact with your deepest medicine and thrive in your work, health, relationships & leadership? If that's a yes, come and work with me 1:1. Click here to read all the details and apply.


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