The somatic bandwagon lol.

There’s a lot of people calling themselves somatic practitioners these days (did someone say bandwagon lol?!).

It’s probably because more and more people are wanting to work with somatic coaches, which IMO is a great thing. Hallelujah! And in response, many coaches and therapists have (myself included btw lol) swapped the word ´holistic´ for ´somatic´ in their instagram bios. 

But not all somatic work is alike. 

There are top-down and bottom-up approaches.

Top-down approaches such as most forms of yoga,  breathwork, tapping and biohacking definitely have some benefit because they can bring the nervous system back into a more regulated state. 

But these practices alone, although they can help us when we’re activated, rarely prevent us from getting ´triggered´ in the first place. They help up cope with the symptoms, but don't get to the route cause.

A bottom-up somatic approach is about meeting the nervous system where it’s at, and giving it space to do what it needs to. Essentially rather than prescribing specific practices, this type of approach taps into the body’s infinite intelligence (because the body always knows how to move forward).

In my experience having worked with hundreds of clients over thousands of hours, I’ve learned that the most effective somatic work isn't of the prescriptive one-size-fits all variety, but to instead listen to our body, notice and sense what wants to happen, and then give it space to play out. This is natural intelligence at work.

And the result is that, emotional ´stuff´ that's been trapped for perhaps years in the body can finally get processed, bit by bit.

This is the approach we take in The Regenerative Alchemy™ Somatic Coach Training (and why I call it a body-led and nature-inspired approach to healing - it really is the missing piece in many therapy and coaching models.) 

Because when you learn how to trust a client´s inherent biological wisdom and you´re able to help them first stabilise, and then connect to and follow it, facilitating deep healing and intentional change becomes a lot easier. And your confidence and self-trust as a practitioner will skyrocket too.

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