Why you may be struggling to hit your goals....

If you struggle with achieving your goals, here’s why from a nervous system perspective (and what to do about it).

If you have a goal that’s bigger than your nervous system´s capacity to reach and handle it, overwhelm, anxiety or burn out will never be too far way.

And these nervous system responses will get in the way of your ability to follow through and achieve what you’ve set out to.

Taking a nervous system based approach is an effective way of reaching your goals successfully. There are key stages:

  1. Honour your desires and goals. Let them expand you and ignite a sense of possibility within you.
  2. Get clear on what your current capacity is and work with what’s doable by breaking down your goals into manageable actions that match it. 
  3. Slowly build your capacity to take bigger actions and hold and handle more, until your capacity matches what’s required to reach your goal.

Remember, when your goal is matches by your capacity to do what’s necessary to reach it, your success is inevitable.


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