Why you may be struggling to hit your goals....

If you struggle with achieving your goals, here’s why from a nervous system perspective (and what to do about it).

If you have a goal that’s bigger than your nervous system´s...

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Permission to stop Ā´healingĀ´.

As a seasoned coach, worked with hundreds of clients who´re on their ´healing journey´.

But here's my dirty little secret. I’m not so keen on the word...

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I believe all coaches & therapists need to do this (but the majority don't)...

I´ve learned that it doesn’t matter how many coaching / therapy qualifications we have as a practitioner, if we aren’t prioritising their own nervous system health, we won’t...

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The somatic bandwagon lol.

There’s a lot of people calling themselves somatic practitioners these days (did someone say bandwagon lol?!).

It’s probably because more and more people are wanting to work with...

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I wish Iā€™d learned this sooner about boundaries...

Being in an abusive and violent relationship in my twenties taught me a lot about boundaries.

Here’s what I learned:

Violating your boundaries in the name of empathy isn't spiritual and all...

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